第五屆全球聯誼會 - 工作報告
Progress report from the Planning Committee on Jan.8th, 2010
Received Sponsorship from Madm Chan (陳校長夫人), Mok Dock Li and Chui Ying-HO (李木鐸-智社/崔英好-德社), Robert Chiu (趙立武-誠社),Steve Ng (伍傑洲-明社), Chester and Jane Moy (梅挺暢/譚婉貞-義社), Winston Lee (李榮貴-義社) , Michael Wu (胡琪咪-大專), 加東興社校友 及 加東忠社校友.
Total sponsorships for Global Reunion received as of Jan 8, 2010 total ~ $12,600..
Total indicated number of alumni joining the 7-days tour = 74 persons.
Albert Leung was elected as additional committee member to help in both of the Magazine Publication committee & the Public Relation committee.
A progressive balancing budget control for the global reunion events has been presented by Kingston Vane to minimize risk of cost overrun and effective allocations of revenue to maximize the benefits and utilization of human resources.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on Nov. 27th, 2009
Received Sponsorship from Wanda Wong (李詠儀-義社), Michael Tang(鄧斌成-剛社),Yam-Tong Tam(譚蔭棠-毅社),Albert Leung(梁培與-剛社),So-Mui Chun(秦素梅-剛社),Shu-Fai Ng/Venus Chan(吳樹輝/陳秀英-誠社).
Total sponsorships for 2010 Global Reunion received as of Nov 9 ,2009= 7229.10.
Latest update of Holiday Inn booking showed 25 rooms with about 4 nights each.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on Oct. 23rd, 2009
Received Sponsorship from So Bing Ma (馬素冰-毅 社), Joyce Gee (黃遠萍-誠社), Christina Ho(何肇儀-忠社), Mui Yin Ng(伍梅燕-義社), Chiu-Kon Lai(黎昭幹-誠社) and Eldy MP Lo(盧美平-誠社) .
Sponsorships received for 2010 Global Reunion as of Oct. 23, 2009 total of approximately $6000.
Contract for the Global Reunion 1-day & 7days tour has been finalized with a deposit of $3000.
An optional plan for dinner transfer of guests from hotel to restaurant on Jul 24, 2010 has been quoted for a sum of $900 with 2 trips each way.
Beaver Choi has provided updates from Holiday Inn showing 17 rooms have already been booked for a total of 66 room nights.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on Sep. 18th, 2009
Received Sponsorship from Kam Chan ( 陳錦輝---義 社), Linda Chow (甄艷芳----義 社) and Chu Ha Wu (胡肖霞----剛 社) .
Sponsorships received for 2010 Global Reunion as of Aug 31, 2009 total $2859.40, Together with fees received & expenses balance as of Aug 31, 2009 total $4981.33.
New quotation on cube crystal with special design has been presented by Allen & Mike will follow up on the issue
Quotation on canvas bag with special design was also presented by Allen
Progress report from the Planning Committee on August 21st, 2009
Personalized request for donation letter & thank you letter are available upon request to all members. Fund raising is a vital part to our global reunion effort. There’s about CAD $3000 fund collected so far.
1 day tour price has been corrected to $75 dued to procedural error. It has been reflected on our webpage.
The 7 days tour with an all inclusive package has been approved.
The choice of tour company has been finalized and the contract will be reviewed by our lawyer.
English version of the 1-day tour & the 7-days tour descriptions in details will be incoporated onto the website
Envrio-bag design & specs have been approved and sample will be made for final approval
Crystal’s design has been chosen & quantity decided to be 800-1000.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on July 17th, 2009
All committee members have thoroughly gone through the contract with Holiday Inn and it was carefully examined & checked by our lawyer John Lee before it was signed by our chairman with a cancellation liability.
The room rate will be CAD 75.00 up to quad occupancy with free internet access and available for the first 80 reservations
The 7 days tour with an all inclusive package has been approved.
Deadline for all registrations are set to March 15, 2010.
Allen Tang has provided many designs for the global reunion envrio-bag.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on July 9th, 2009
Eric Ng (伍銳賢—誠社), chairman of TMAA USA East was invited to join our 2010 Global Reunion working session in preparing the 7 days trip and also exchanged working experience.
Alumni from New York intent to charter a bus or two to come up for the reunion and then follow us in our 1-day & 7-days tours
Two 7-days tour packages have been reviewed, all executive members voted to have an all-inclusive package. Full details of the tour package will be posted.
Further details with respect to the contract with Holiday Inn will be followed up by Beaver Choi & Tat-Luen Tam.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on July 3rd, 2009
The committee has authorized Treasurer to register online banking and obtain line-of-credit backed by our Chairman.
2010 Global Reunion dinner fee has been set at Canadian $50.
The committee has reviewed both tour companies’ offer & decision will be made in meeting.
Holiday Inn Markham has been chosen as the designated hotel with special TMAA rate of $75 up to quad occupancy for Fri-Sun Jul 23-25, 2009. Same rate for TMAA members returning from 7 days tour on Sun Aug 1, 2010.
Fund raising letter has been prepared & sent to prospective donors.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on Jun 19th, 2009
Allen Tang has been elected as Global Planning Committee Member supporting Communication and Fund Raising function.
Stamp for the Global reunion has been prepared by Allen Tang.
Two tour companies’ representatives have presented their proposals during our meeting at separate time. Questions were posted by members and an amended proposals will be submitted in 2 weeks in our next meeting.
New 2010 Global Reunion application form has been drafted.
Beaver & Tat-Luen have investigated various hotel’s offer meticulously along with personal on-site visit & inspection. One will be chosen soon as the designated hotel for our TMAA with special rate.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on May 15th, 2009
The Global Reunion flag’s design by Allen Tang has been finalized with date on top & place on bottom of the Reunion Logo with two Canadian flags on each side.
Beaver Yok-Sang Choi has been elected as Global Planning Committee Member supporting Entertainment with Mike Fung & Hotel Accommodation with Tat-Luen Tam.
2010 Global Reunion application form has been drafted by Shu-Fai Ng. Various changes and proprosals have been discussed & new draft will be made for further scrutiny.
The new exciting 7-days tour has been selected as the extended tour. From Ottawa, Montreal, New Brunswick, PEI, Quebec City, Thousand Island then back to Toronto.
Performance for the dinner event has been reviewed.
Better sound system will be implemented for the event.
Transportation between hotel & restaurant will be provided by private courtesy cars for the global reunion dinner at our expense.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on March 26th, 2009
The 5th Global Reunion flag’s design has been modified with added wordings going around the original design stating Toronto, Canada to reflect its global essence.
Beaver Yok-Sang Choi ( 蔡旭生---善社class of 77 ) will be attending our Meetings.
Century Palace Chinese Restaurant has been chosen for our Global Reunion. (398 Ferrier St., Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R2Z5 Tel:-905-415-1988. )
Thanks to Allan Mok of TMAA-Western Canada, our 2010 Global Reunion survey forms has been distributed and send back to us at their Mar 7, 2009 Vancouver Names of the interested parties will be posted on the website.
Every class’representative should contact their classmates worldwide and come up with an estimate of own class’s total attendance for the global reunion.
The 3 days tour’s itinerary has been merged with the 5 days tour so that members can depart after 3 days from the group and return to Toronto if they want to. Other tour companies’offers are also being studied.
The gift set including Bag and cap design will be worked on by Antony Kam and he will contact the corresponding factory in China to make them.
One special dedicated performance has been approved and it will be worked on starting from now one year ahead to ensure top quality.
Since the restaurant has been chosen, hotel arrangement will be based on this factor. More details to follow.
The quantity, the quality and the methods of draws has been discussed.
A special CD or DVD to be distributed at the event has been discussed.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on February 26th, 2009
All dinner & various tours cost will be posted in Canadian $ and to accept money order from alumni in the same currency.
Antony Kam (金聲白)---仁社 to be added as Advertisement & Fund Raising.
The Global Reunion flag logo design has been painstakingly reproduced right down to its hand-made flaws . Thanks to Allen Tang.
2010 Global Reunion survey forms has been distributed on Feb 7, 2009 at the Los Angeles gathering and also at our own Feb 13, 2009 gathering. Names of the interested parties will be posted on the website. All class rep are requested to enlist their classmates onto the list.
Additional forms has been sent & request has been made to TMAA-Can West to help us distribute them during their Mar 7, 2009 gathering at Vancouver.
Preliminary booking has been made with Century Palace Chinese Restaurant for their entire floor space which can hold maximum up to 860 persons. Our booking is for 500-700 persons with increase up to max within 3 months. Additional restaurant will be investigated before final choice.
1-day tour was presented to compose of CN Towers visit & Toronto city tour, Niagara Falls with Maid of Mist boat ride & vineyard visit.3-days tour consist of visits to Kingston--Thousand Island cruise, Mount Tremblant Resort, Ottawa--Royal Mint, Can.Musemum of Civilization, residences of Governor General & Prime Minister, Parliament Hill, Government Building etc. 5-days tours consist of all above plus Montreal--Mount Royal ,Olympia Village, Bio Dome, Montreal Tower, Notre Dame Basilica, etc; Quebec City—Sainte-Anne-De-Beaupre, Canyon Ste-Anne. More details on hotel accommodations will be worked on.
Magazine Publication cost to be about $7000/700copies.
A special photography team will be set up for the event by Tog Leung.
Progress report from the Planning Committee on January 30th, 2009
The committee has approved & agreed to post on the website our 2010 Tak Ming 5th Global Reunion Proposal as a general guideline.
Allen Leung (梁煥釗—毅社) has been added as Magazine Publication.
All planning committee members to investigate further into their areas of responsibility and to present more details for discussion on our next meeting.
Decisions on the subject of restaurant booking will be the top priority.
The magazine publication is also a matter of urgency because of the length of time involved in the making.
All other subjects by no means that they are less important. Everything must be well thought of prior to the actual execution to minimize chances of error.
T-Shirts production can be arranged by Antony Kam if needed.
Environmental bags’ design will be worked on by Allen Tang.
Mr. So will be invited as photographer.