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誠社紀念畢業55週年重聚晚宴相片集 – Part 1 (Click to view)
誠社紀念畢業55週年重聚晚宴相片集 – Part 2 (Click to view)
日期: 2013年11月7日
地點: 香港
工作小組: 各區校友聯絡人 (建議邀請/等待承諾)
香港 - 黃顯邦 Wong, Hing-Pong 852-9036 4378 or 蔡以廉 (Choy, William YL) 852-9315 8801
美東 - 梅健宏 kanmoy@aol.com
美西 - 許傑儒 rkhuie@yahoo.com
加東 - 吳樹暉 Ng, Shu-Fai 416-738-3836,
澳洲 - 張志超 chicheung80@hotmail.com
台灣 - 丘子宏 cwyau@ms3.hinet.net
出席名單: 全體佳芳
The Hong Kong 45th Reunion Committee would like to know if you plan to join the Reunion on 11/7/2013. This is particularly important because they need to arrange the reunion dinner facility as soon as possible. Without an estimated headcount, it would make it very difficult for them to do the planning. To sign up for the Reunion Dinner (Nov. 7, 2013), please email your name and # of guests (including yourself) to shing1968@gmail.com. Designated 街坊 will be monitoring this email address for your input. Another option is call the working committee member in your region.Pre-Reunion Trip 張家界/長江三陜郵輪 update from 許傑儒 Raymond Huie 2/28/2013
張家界/長江三陜郵輪-行程 2/14/2013
We have 33 people tentatively signed up already. This list includes 街坊 from Toronto, Vancouver, New York, California, Australia and Hong Kong.
Both New York and Toronto will have their local meeting in early March, I expect there will be more sign ups after their meetings.
Your early sign up is important because it will allow the travel agency to make early cruise and air ticket reservations. Spaces could be limited later on.
Since we are still nine months away from the trip date, no payments are needed at the moment. Any required deposit will be announced when it is time to do so.
Even though the itinerary is set, I am still working with China International Travel to fine tune the program. I hope to include 天門山as part of the tour. This might need to add an extra day and cost to the tour.
For planning purpose, we set a maximum capacity of 40 passengers per bus. If we have, for example, 50+ people, then most likely we will have two buses.
For those who want to join this trip starting from Hong Kong, China International Travel can also make the air travel arrangements for you (HK to 長沙 and 重慶 to HK). However, without international travel (Cathy Pacific) linked together, air fares will be slightly higher. We will provide the travel agent information later on.
There will be a period that cancellation is allowed. The dead line to cancel will be announced when it is known.
Tips for the driver/tour guide normally is at $7-8/per person per day.
All logistics of registration/payment are still being work on.
Post Reunion Trip
The Hong Kong Reunion Committee is looking into arranging a 2-3 day short trip after Nov. 9th. Information will be announced when it is available.預訂房間 資料提供:陸嗣偉 1/28/2013
名 稱: 城景酒店CITYVIEV HOTEL(九龍青年會舊址)
地 址: 23 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
收 費: 旅遊淡季約700至950元(連加一及一位免費早餐)
For enquires or reservations, please call (852) 2783 3888 or email to rsvn@thecityview.com.hk